ICFRA has three classes of Membership, open to the National Governing Bodies of Fullbore Rifle Shooting only.
They are :-
- Full Membership: Open to Countries which have shot in at least one of the last three World Championships - Fee £250 per annum.
- Affiliate Membership: Open to Countries which wish to participate with a vote in ICFRA Affairs - Fee £130 per annum.
- Observer Membership: Open to Countries which wish to keep in touch with developments pending establishment of FBR Shooting nationally - Fee £60 per annum.
In addition ICFRA endeavours to maintain relationships where FBR Shooting is dormant, at a nominal fee.
President - D. (Des) Vamplew (CAN)
Vice-President - G.J.P. (Deon) Burger (RSA)
Secretary General - L.M. (Lindsay) Peden (SCO)
The above, plus Full members
1. Australia (AUS) B. (Bruce) Scott
2. Canada (CAN) D. (Daniel) Chisholm
3. Channel Islands (CI) M. (Michael) Cotillard
4. Germany (GER) J. (Josef) Frey
5. Great Britain (GBR) J.G.M. (John) Webster
6. Italy (ITA) G. (Gianfranco ) Zanoni
7. New Zealand (NZL) M.G. (Malcolm) Dodson
8. Republic of Ireland (IRE) J. (Joseph) Costello
9. South Africa (RSA) J.B. (Bernand) De Beer
10.Ukraine (UKR) M. (Maksim) Semenovicz
11. United States of America (USA) D. (Dennis) Flaharty
12. West Indies (WI) D. (Denis) Lee
Affiliated members
13. Barbados (BAR) A. (Tony) Wood
14. Brazil (BRZ) W (Walter) Almeida / P (Priscila) Larrubia
15. Croatia T (Tomica) Nikolic
16. England (ENG) A. (Adam) Leech
17. Falkland Islands (FLK) G. (Gareth) Goodwin
18. Guernsey (GUE) No separate Councillor as covered by CIRA
19. Guyana (GUY) M. (Mahendra) Persaud
20. Hungary (HUN) I. (Imre) Togyer
21. Indonesia (INO) J. (Joni) Supriyanto
22. Israel (ISR) Z. (Zeev) Kern
23. Jamaica (JAM) D. (Denis) Lee
24. Japan (JPN) Y. (Yoshihito) Sakakibara
25. Jersey (JER) No separate Councillor as covered by CIRA
26. Kazakhstan (KAZ) M. (Mimikenov) Kairzhan
27. Kenya (KEN) S. (Shoaib) Vayani
28. Kyrgyzstan (KRG) A. (Aleksei) Solovev
29. Lithuania S. (Saulius) Paknys
30. Mongolia (MON) B. (Bayarsaikhan) Munku
31. Namibia (NAM) Willem Horn/Wiann Mans
32. Northern Ireland (NIR) R.M. (Robert) McVeigh
33. Pakistan (PAK) J. (Junaid) Ali
34. Russia (RUS) A. (Alexey) Azvarischch [membership in abeyance]
35. Scotland (SCO) L.M. (Lindsay) Peden
36. Slovenia (SLV) B. (Boro) Licina
37. Spain J.A. (Jose Antonio) Lema
38 Trinidad & Tobago (TRI) M. (Marc) Homer
39. Wales (WAL) M. (Martin) Watkins
40. Zimbabwe (ZIM) Dr O. (Oscar) Tapera
Observer Members
41. Continental Palma Council (CPC) D. (David) Briand
42. Iran (IRN) H. (Hoonan) Daneshvar
45. Romania (ROM) D. (Dinu) Solojan
46. Slovakia (SLK) I. (Igor) Sallay
47. (special measures) Bermuda W. (Wilbur) Lightbourne
48. Saudi Arabia E. (Eduardo) Abril de Fontcuberta
49. Thailand P. (Patrick) Bernard
Committee Chairmen
John Webster (GBR) - World Championship Committee Chairman
Scott Brindley (AUS) - Veterans Committee Chairman
Jannie Els (RSA) - F Class Committee Chairman
Martin Watkins (WAL) - Commonwealth Committee Chairman
Iain Robertson (GBR) - TR Committee Chairman
Roger Mullin (CAN) - Anti Doping Committee Chairman
Non voting advisors (where nominated)
F. (Fernando) Villar ESP
Past President
S.E. (Stan) Frost, (CAN)
J.B. (Bernand) De Beer (RSA)
Photo Credits: Cannaught Range, DCRA & The National Rifle Association of the UK